
Projects and Web Design



Here at WebKarnage we offer you some cost effective hosting packages, with us able to offer added RapidWeaver specific uploading and publishing support. Smaller lower cost options can be ideal for small retail businesses, while larger server space and bandwidths will be necessary for those wishing to host video streaming.

Whatever your need or requirement, get in touch and we can discuss how these options can suit you. There are ways to make the very most of space and bandwidth.

Looking for a domain name for your hosting package? Click for our Registrar Service, and check out a couple of cool special offers on right now!

Basic Packages

The hosting options to the left here are shared hosting options. Below we list the main features of the packages. We have checked that both RapidWeaver built in Contact Forms and FormLoom forms work well with this hosting.

Please enter the email address you want associated with administering the account. We feel it is important that it's not an email address you wish to be hosted on the server at a later date. We also require the name of the domain you wish associated as the main domain of the hosting package. It doesn't have to be the largest or most visited, just an appropriate choice from those you own/control.

  • Direct Admin account control panel
  • Unlimited domains*
  • Unlimited sub-domains
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • Unlimited FTP acounts
  • Unlimited MySQL/MySQLi databases
  • Free Script Installer
  • PHP Support
and more besides! Don't hesitate to get in touch with us about any concerns or thoughts.
*for all except the Mini (5 domains)


300MB disk space, 1500MB monthly Bandwidth


400MB disk space, 4000MB monthly Bandwidth


800MB disk space, 8000MB monthly Bandwidth

We take the majority of our payments via PayPal, but other possibe options can be considered, do get in touch with any questions

Use the form to send us a hosting request of what you want of what you are interested in.

Once your choice and settings are clear, then we will get it set up and will only ask you to pay once you can get access successfully to your hosting account!

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